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Gwynedd Friends Meeting
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La siguiente información está disponible para Gwynedd Friends Meeting:

Meeting for Worship Sundays at 9:30 followed by program & fellowship hour. Children are welcome and have their own programs.

Members of the Religious Society of Friends, Quakers, believe in the presence of the Light of God in everyone, direct communion with the Divine, and continuing revelation. Firmly rooted in the Christian tradition, we eagerly welcome believers of all faiths as fellow members of God's universal community. We offer silent Meeting for Worship every Sunday from 9:30 to 10:30 am. We gather in silence, quiet the superficial chatter in our minds, calm our hearts, and seek the source of love and truth in our lives. Friends describe this source in various ways: God, the Spirit, the Inward Light, the Divine, the Christ Within, the still small voice. First Day (Sunday) school for adults is from 10:45 to 11:45 am, every week, except the third Sunday of the month. Following the First Day School we have coffee and fellowship until 12:30. Please join us!


Gwynedd Friends Meeting se puede encontrar en la siguiente dirección:

1101 Dekalb Pike

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(215) 699-3055
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From the Refugee Support Subcommittee Save the Date – A “Friendly Evening” potluck with games and campfire to follow is being planned for Friday, April 27, 2018 from 6:30 – 9:00PM at the Meetinghouse. Upper Dublin, Horsham, and Plymouth Meeting Monthly Meetings have been invited to join us. An optional free-will offering will be collected to benefit the UNHCR Lifeline Program. Please plan to enlarge your community on April 27, as we, once again - Have Fun While Doing Good! Also, thank you to the over 140 Gwynedd members and attenders, and families of the Gwynedd Friends School who read a book about the refugee experience during the month of February. The Refugee Subcommittee is grateful for your participation and support. Some persons were very moved by what they read and have asked for a way to discuss their book with others who read the same book. A list of who read each book is posted on the Refugee Support tri-fold in the quilt foyer. Please feel free to share your experience with others! And the winner is… (drumroll)… The most read adult book was What is the What with A long Walk to Water a close 2nd. The most read children’s book – with tremendous support from Gwynedd Friends School – was Peace is an Offering. If you checked out one of the provided books or want to donate a book that you purchased for this project, please place the book on the upper library shelves in the quilt foyer by April 1. Because more than 50 people read a book about refugees in February, a $500 donation was made to the UNHCR Lifeline program. Please see the tri-fold for information about Lifeline and to find donation forms to contribute to this essential program that gives cash assistance to impoverished Syrian refugee families living in Lebanon or Jordan.


 Christmas Tea and Talent Sharing Please join us for our special annual event, the Christmas Tea and Talent Sharing, on Sunday, December 17. Talent sharing program begins at 5:00 p.m. in the adult FDS room, with tea, coffee, punch and refreshments to follow in the Community Room around 6:00 p.m.! Come, and feel free to bring friends, relatives, or neighbors to our annual tea and talent sharing program. Discover the hidden talents of Gwynedd Friends Meeting. Carl Baron will also lead the children in singing. College-age and young adults are especially encouraged to come to reconnect with old friends. Please bring a plate of finger food to share. It’s very helpful if you bring it all ready to serve, and take your plate and any leftovers home when you leave. Non-sweet snacks such as small sandwiches, cheese, spreads, deviled eggs, veggies, appetizers, egg or tuna salad, and so forth, are especially needed. Decorating will begin at 8 a.m. on Saturday, December 16. Merry Christmas! Fellowship and Outreach committee


Flea Market*** Feeling unsure want to get your family members and friends this holiday, think about coming to the Annual Holiday Sale of the Gwynedd Meeting Flea Market. We save the best of the best for our end of the year special sale. We have designed women and men clothing, outerwear, household items, many new in box items, toys, children clothing, books, CDs, beautiful jewelry, shoes, and much much more. You may even complete your holiday gift list. All proceeds go to American Friends Service Committee. The sale is December 9 from 9-1 at Gwynedd Friend Meeting. The meetinghouse is at the corner of 202 and Sumneytown Pike in Lower Gwynedd. You can also follow the Flea Market’s Facebook page for updates


A great story about Gwynedd Friends Meeting's efforts on the behalf of Syrian refugees appears in a local newspaper. Here's a link:


Auction Follow-up The Goods and Services Auction to raise money for struggling and impoverished Syrian Refugees who have fled war and violence in Syria and are now living in Lebanon was a tremendous success. More than $7,000 was raised, including pre-auction publicity with $6,100 on auction night. The hours of work donated by the many auction volunteers and the spirited attendance by over 100 people on a very hot Friday night illustrate the contagious and powerful work of the Spirit within individuals and our community. May we all express a prayer of gratitude and a willingness to keep our hearts and minds open to further direction by this Spirit.


The American Friends Service Committee Flea Market is June will not be happening on June 3rd. More details to follow soon"


The Flea Market to benefit refugees has been moved to June 25. See the June 4 post below for more details.


Monthly Flea Market (June 18) to benefit refugees Gwynedd Friends Supporting Syrian Refugees The member and attenders and Gwynedd Friends Meeting have joined together to support Syrian refugees who are living in poverty in Lebanon though the UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) Lifeline program. Even though news organizations focus on refugees that flee to Europe or are living in the protection of refugee camps, the majority of refugees from war and violence flee to neighboring countries hoping to stay for a few months. But, years go by until any savings or valuables they brought with them are gone and they end up in poverty. The UNHCR has found that the best way to support these vulnerable and destitute families is to provide them with cash assistance so that they can pay for rent, food, and medical needs. In this way they survive and also support the economy of the host country. After an application process that includes an interview with the head of the refugee family (often women or the elderly) and a home visit, a monthly cash assistance is given. A family of five receives an annual amount of $1,692, distributed in 12 monthly payments. And, because of the nature of this assistance $.97 of every dollar donated reaches these families. The people of Gwynedd Friends Meeting are very touched by this humane, efficient, and successful solution for these families who choose to stay in the part of the world that they call “home.” We have sent a letter to the American head of UNHCR pledging a monthly check for the Lifeline Program. We have also promised to hold these vulnerable families in the Light of God’s protective love. At the monthly flea market to benefit the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) on June 18, there will be a table of items donated to raise money for the Syrian refugees in Lebanon. For the next two Sundays (June 5 and 12) there will be a pre-sale where items can be obtained for a suggested donation. Donations to the June 18, sale are still being accepted. Please bring them to the meetinghouse and place them on the 2nd floor balcony above the quilt foyer.


Gwynedd Friends Coffeehouse will be hosting MAGPIE on Saturday April 9, 2016 at 8PM. MAGPIE is Terry Leonino and Greg Artzner. Formed in 1973, Magpie has traveled and toured extensively, performed at folk clubs and festivals around the world and have recorded many times. From traditional songs to vintage blues, swing, country, folk classics, contemporary and stirring original compositions, Magpie covers a lot of musical ground. With their powerful voices, and harmonies, Terry Leonino and Greg Artzner, along with their excellent instrumental arrangements on guitars, mandolin, harmonica, dulcimer, and concertina, produce a sound which is much bigger than just two people. Gwynedd Friends Coffeehouse is located at Gwynedd Friends Meeting, 1101 DeKalb Pike, Gwynedd, PA. 19454. This is the corner of US Route 202 and Sumneytown Pike. Doors open at 7:30PM. A $5.00 donation is suggested to help support the musicians. Additional proceeds donated to charity. Light refreshments are available. Gwynedd Friends Coffeehouse is a not for profit outreach of Gwynedd Friends Meeting. For additional information call 267-421-9394. Gwynedd Friends Coffeehouse is wheelchair accessible. More info at @


Setting FCNL Priorities for the 115th Congress (2017-2018) (Online survey at Every two years, the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) seeks input from Quakers around the country to help shape its work. Friends and Meetings, churches, and other groups are asked to consider which public policy issues and questions in FCNL's Policy Statement, "The World We Seek," they think are most important and need closest attention from Friends, and from FCNL. Your responses are the foundation for the lobbying priorities that FCNL will set in November 2016 at FCNL's Annual Meeting. The Peace and Social Action Committee invites all to attend a special meeting on Monday evening, February 29, 7 p.m. (Leap Day) to discuss legislative priorities for FCNL's work in the 115th Congressional session. Mark your calendars! Also, we've created a web survey for people who cannot attend or who want to give advanced input. Please go to the following site before the Feb 29 meeting to enter your suggestions. @


Relief kits and hygiene kits for Syria Peace & Social Action is collecting Relief Kits and Hygiene Kits for the Mennonite Central Committee, Harleysville, who will deliver them to people in Syria and those in need around the world. You can learn about this organization and their efforts at Thank you for your generosity. Kits will be collected until Jan. 10th. The contents, which should be NEW items only, in original packaging, are listed below. If you are unable to purchase all items, partial kits are more than welcome. Please just label it as a “partial” relief kit. 4 large bars bath soap 1 plastic bottle shampoo (13–24 oz.; place in re-sealable plastic bag) 4 large bars laundry soap (Some stores carry Fels Naptha®, Sunlight® or Zote® brands) 4 adult-size toothbrushes 4 new bath towels (medium weight, dark or bright colors) 2 wide-tooth combs (6–8 in.) 1 fingernail clipper (good quality) 1 box adhesive bandages (minimum 40 count, assorted) 1 package sanitary pads (18–24 count thin maxi) Please place in a plastic bag or box and place in bin outside the office labeled “Relief kits for Syria.” Hygiene Kits: Contents (NEW items, in original packaging) 1 adult-size toothbrush 1 large bar bath soap 1 fingernail clipper (good quality) 1 hand towel (dark color) Thank you for limiting your generosity to the items listed. Please place loose items in box outside the office labeled “Hygiene Kits for Syria.” These items will later be packed into cloth bags provided by MCC.


Syrian Refugee Crisis conference call, Monday, Dec 14, 2015


The New Jim Crow group recently displayed this banner next to DeKalb Pike (Rt. 202). Next meeting of the group is Wed, Dec 9, 2015, at 7 PM in the community room. All welcome.


FCNL CLIMATE ACTION ALERT FOR PENNSYLVANIA: PLEASE EMAIL OR CALL SENATOR CASEY RIGHT AWAY THANK HIM FOR SUPPORTING THE CLEAN POWER PLAN, AND ASK HIM TO DO WHATEVER HE CAN TO KEEP FUNDING FOR THE GREEN CLIMATE FUND IN THE CURRENT BUDGET. To e-mail (preferable), go to DC office phone: 202/224-6324(202) 224-6324 (20 THE VOTE IS EXPECTED TO OCCUR BEFORE DECEMBER 11 Explanation: For the next two weeks 192 nations will meet in Paris for the 2015 Conference on Climate Change. One critical aspect of the negotiations is a US commitment to the Green Climate Fund by making an initial contribution. The Fund was established by the United Nations in 2010, as an outcome of past climate negotiations. It receives financial contributions from industrialized nations, corporations and foundations and distributes the money to help the poorest and most vulnerable nations limit or reduce their carbon emissions and adapt to climate disruption. The developing nations will insist on commitments to the Green Climate Fund as a requirement for any agreement. The House has already voted on a budget that has removed funding for the Green Climate Fund. In the Senate, a vote in support of the Green Climate Fund may well be to vote against a provision which would strip its funding from the Senate version. Good news: See General Secretary Christie Duncan-Tessmer’s Inquirer op ed at Also note: Senator Toomey, along with 34 other GOP Senators, has co-signed a letter to President Obama by Senators Barrasso and Inhofe, that in effect threatens to overturn US participation in any agreement the Administration approves in Paris. It has been reported that the climate negotiators know the US can only participate in an agreement that does not require Senate approval. Communicate with Senator Toomey expressing disapproval of his determination to prevent any effective carbon reduction agreement. To e-mail (preferable), go to DC office phone: 202/224-4254 Even better: send a letter to the editor to the Inquirer urging Senator Casey to support the Green Climate Fund and disapproving of Senator Toomey’s decision to co-sign a letter to the President from long-time climate denying Senator Inhofe that threatens to overturn US participation in any carbon reduction agreement the Administration approves in Paris.


Coffee House, Saturday, November 14, 2015 - The MUNIER MANDOLIN & GUITAR ORCHESTRA featuring the voice of tenor FRANK TENAGLIA. The orchestra established in 1957, respects and honors it's ethnic Italian origins. The ensemble has expanded it's repertoire to celebrate the role of the mandolin (and other plucked string instruments) across diverse cultural traditions including classical compositions to American standards. Tenor Frank Tenaglia will sing with the orchestra at this performance.


Next meeting of The New Jim Crow book discussion group June 28, 2015 soon after rise of meeting.


Spaghetti Dinner, hosted by the Wales Exchange Youth Group Saturday, April 18, 6-8PM Come have all the spaghetti (or gluten-free alternative) and salad, bread and of course dessert The young people will take your order and server you. Pay as you wish - may we suggest donating the amount you would spend at a restaurant.


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Restaurantes cercano

También revise estos Restaurantes cercanos:

Pumpernick's Deli
917 Bethlehem Pike, North Wales
Metropolitan American Diner and Bar
750 Upper State Rd, North Wales
Tex Mex Connection
201 E Walnut St, North Wales
Americano, Suroccidental, Tex-mex
Bacco Restaurant
587 Dekalb Pike, North Wales
Comida casera, Europeo, Estilo familiar, Italiano, Pizza
Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant
1460 Bethlehem Pike, North Wales
Texas Roadhouse - Montgomeryville
115 Garden Golf Blvd., North Wales
The Green Fork & Local Roots Market
115 S. Main St., North Wales
Americano, Sin glutén, Vegano, Vegetariano
Chick-fil-A Montgomery Mall (PA)
314 Montgomery Mall, North Wales
Comida rápida
The Greene Turtle
1100 Bethlehem Pike, North Wales
Americano, Asiático, Hamburguesa
Bonefish Grill - Montgomeryville
27 Airport Sq, North Wales
Chipotle Mexican Grill
30 Airport Sq, North Wales
Comida rápida, Tex-mex
Papaya Vietnamese Contemporary Tapas
111 Garden Golf Blvd, North Wales
Asiático, Fusión asiática, Pho, Tailandés, Vietnamita
117 Garden Golf Blvd, North Wales
Asiático, Bufé, Sushi
Everything Bagel Cafe
101 N Main St, North Wales
Desayuno, Brunch
Bensi Restaurants
1460 Bethlehem Pike, North Wales
Comida casera, Pizza
American Star Diner
1200 Welsh Rd, North Wales
Americano, Desayuno, Brunch
The Pour House
29 Airport Square, North Wales
1121 Bethlehem Pike, North Wales
Asiático, Bufé, Japonés, Coreano
Pho and More, Vietnamese and Thai Cuisine.
1200 Welsh Rd, North Wales
Asiático, Pho, Tailandés, Vietnamita
Franconi's Pizzeria & Ristorante
1200 Welsh Rd, North Wales
Comida casera, Europeo, Estilo familiar, Italiano, Pizza
Grub Burger Bar
254 Montgomery Mall, North Wales
Asiático, Hamburguesa
Turning Point of North Wales
1460 Bethlehem Pike, North Wales
Americano, Desayuno, Brunch
TGI Fridays
450 Montgomery Mall, North Wales
Applebee's Grill + Bar
1281 Knapp Rd, North Wales
Chili's Grill & Bar
544 Dekalb Pike, North Wales
Hoteles cercano

También revise estos Hoteles cercanos:

Joseph Ambler Inn
1005 Horsham Rd, North Wales
Posada, Hotel
Staybridge Suites Philadelphia- Montgomeryville
119 Garden Golf Blvd, North Wales
Hotel Fiesole
4046 Skippack Pike, Schwenksville
The William Penn Inn
1017 Dekalb Pike, Gwynedd
HYATT house Philadelphia/King of Prussia
240 Mall Blvd, King Of Prussia
DoubleTree Philadelphia-Valley Forge
301 W Dekalb Pike, King Of Prussia
Crowne Plaza Philadelphia - King of Prussia
260 Mall Blvd, King Of Prussia
Complejo hotelero
Homewood Suites - Valley Forge
681 Shannondell Blvd, Norristown
Complejo hotelero
Woodside Lodge at Spring Mountain
150 E Park Ave, Schwenksville
Hilton Garden Inn Ft. Washington
530 Pennsylvania Ave, Fort Washington
Hotel, Hostería
Sheraton Valley Forge Hotel
480 N Gulph Rd, King Of Prussia
Best Western Plus The Inn at King of Prussia
127 S Gulph Rd, King Of Prussia
Valley Forge Casino Resort
1160 1st Ave, King Of Prussia
Complejo hotelero
Hampton Inn by Hilton Philadelphia/Willow Grove, PA
1500 Easton Rd, Willow Grove
Complejo hotelero
Hyatt Place Philadelphia/King of Prussia
440 American Ave, King Of Prussia
Chubb Hotel & Conference Center
800 Ridge Pike, Lafayette Hill
Complejo hotelero
Courtyard by Marriott Philadelphia Lansdale
1737 Sumneytown Pike, Lansdale
SpringHill Suites by Marriott Philadelphia Valley Forge/King of Prussia
875 Mancill Mill Road, King Of Prussia
House of Biryani's & Kebabs
2541 W main st, Norristown
SpringHill Suites by Marriott Philadelphia Willow Grove
3900 Commerce Avenue, Willow Grove
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Limerick - Pottstown
15 Keystone Drive, Royersford
SpringHill Suites by Marriott Philadelphia Plymouth Meeting
430 Plymouth Road, Plymouth Meeting
Days Inn Horsham/Philadelphia
245 Easton Road, Horsham
Agentes de bienes raices cercano

También revise estos Agentes de bienes raices cercanos:

Sandro D'Angelo - REALTOR
Choice 1 Realty, LLC - 136 S Main St, North Wales
Agente de bienes raíces
Deneen Rispo - Realtor
380 Red Lion Road, Huntingdon Valley
Agente de bienes raíces
Joseph Bograd Team Re/Max Elite
1456 County Line Rd, Huntingdon Valley
Agente de bienes raíces, Servicio de bienes raíces
Home Experts For You Real Estate Team
901 Fayette St Floor 2, Conshohocken
Agente de bienes raíces
EveryHome Realtors
2125 Bethel Road, Lansdale
Agente de bienes raíces, Servicio de bienes raíces
The Silva Group
10 E 6th Ave, Suite 310, Conshohocken
Agente de bienes raíces
The Maxim Shtraus Group - Philadelphia Real Estate
1456 County Line Rd, Huntingdon Valley
Agente de bienes raíces
The Matt Harnick Real Estate Team
910 Harvest Dr, Ste 100, Blue Bell
Agente de bienes raíces
Dennis Strange Real Estate
2600 Philmont Ave, Huntingdon Valley
Agencia inmobiliaria comercial, Agente de bienes raíces
Jeffrey Marmur Matlis Real Estate Huntingdon Valley
111 Buck Rd, Huntingdon Valley
Agencia inmobiliaria comercial, Agente de bienes raíces
Eric Maher, Realtor - Keller Williams Real Estate
910 Harvest Drive, Blue Bell
Agente de bienes raíces
Melissa Avivi & Barri Beckman, Realtors
93 Old York Rd, Ste 6, Jenkintown
Agente de bienes raíces
729 W Dekalb Pike, King Of Prussia
Agente de bienes raíces, Servicio de bienes raíces
Kelli Musser - Realtor
100 Springhouse Drive Suite 100, Collegeville
Servicio de bienes raíces
Suburbs2City Real Estate Team
625 W. Ridge Pike, Building F, Conshohocken
Agente de bienes raíces
Coldwell Banker Preferred Success Center
220 W Germantown Pike, Ste 270A, Plymouth Meeting
Agente de bienes raíces
The Behr Real Estate Team
625 W Ridge Ave, Building F, Conshohocken
Agente de bienes raíces
ChiodoTeam at EXP Realty
168 W Ridge Pike, Royersford
Servicio de bienes raíces
Coldwell Banker Preferred - Conshohocken
1207 Fayette St, Conshohocken
Servicio de bienes raíces
The HOW Group Real Estate
1145 Forrest St, Conshohocken
Agente de bienes raíces, Inmobiliaria
Anthony Noland, Realtor and Associate Broker
101 Quakertown Ave, Pennsburg
Agente de bienes raíces
Moving With Brian
400 Horsham Road, Suite 108, Horsham
Agente de bienes raíces
Peluqueros cercano